About us


GARDEN (Global Hematological Rare Diseases Alliance) is a global alliance dedicated to transforming the lives of individuals affected by rare blood diseases. We unite healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers, and patient advocates in a collaborative effort to address the challenges posed by hematological rare diseases to drive innovation, advance research, and advocate for equitable policies that ensure access to care. By empowering patients and collaborating with healthcare providers, while leveraging advanced technologies, we aim to build a healthier future for all those affected by rare hematological diseases.

GARDEN is rooted in the Fondazione Cutino, a prominent reference point for hematological care in Sicily and Italy, private research center recognized and member of the European reference Network for Rare disease. With decades of dedicated service, Fondazione Cutino has established a solid reputation for advancing research and treatment for hematological disorders. For years, Fondazione Cutino has served as a driving force in the fight against blood diseases in Sicily and Italy, delivering exceptional patient care, conducting groundbreaking clinical research, and advocating for the needs of patients and their families. Their extensive experience and innovative methodologies have not only achieved remarkable results but have also shaped the standards of care in the field.

By integrating these proven practices into GARDEN, we aim to extend this legacy of excellence on a global scale acting as a driving force in the fight against blood diseases, delivering exceptional patient care, conducting groundbreaking clinical research, and advocating for the needs of patients and their families.

Our Mission:

To improve the diagnosis, treatment, and quality of life for individuals with rare hematological diseases by:

  • Fostering international collaboration among healthcare professionals, researchers, and patient advocates.
  • Promoting innovative research to advance our understanding of rare blood disorders and develop new therapies.
  • Providing education and training to healthcare professionals and patients.
  • Raising awareness of rare hematological diseases and the challenges faced by patients and their families.

Our Vision:

A world where all individuals with rare hematological diseases have access to early diagnosis, optimal care, and the support they need to live full and productive lives.


  • Collaboration: We believe that working together is essential to achieve our goals. We bring together leading experts, researchers, policymakers, opinion leaders, and patient associations from across the globe to foster collaboration and drive meaningful change.
  • Excellence: We are committed to developing educational programs for healthcare professionals and patients, while raising international awareness and advocating for the needs of the rare hematological disease community.
  • Innovation: We embrace new ideas and approaches to improve the lives of patients. We promote the use of artificial intelligence to enhance data collection, develop prognostic scores, and accelerate research in rare hematological diseases.
  • Patient-centered Care: We are dedicated to providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values, ensuring that patient well-being guides all clinical decisions. We recognize the diverse backgrounds and circumstances of our patients, and we strive to provide culturally sensitive care that addresses their unique needs.  
  • Global Equity: We are committed to promoting equity in access to diagnosis, treatment, and care for all individuals with rare hematological diseases, regardless of their geographic location, socioeconomic status, or cultural background. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to live a full and productive life, and we work to break down barriers that prevent patients from receiving the care they need.

GARDEN’s distinctive elements:

  • Global perspective: Addressing the unique challenges and disparities in rare hematological diseases, recognizing the diverse needs and perspectives of patients and healthcare systems across different countries and regions.
  • Patient-centric approach: Prioritizing the needs and experiences of patients and their families in all our initiatives.
  • Commitment to equity: Striving to ensure equitable access to diagnosis, treatment, and care for all individuals with rare hematological diseases.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)