Cell and Gene Therapies β€” Improving Access and Outcomes for Medicare and Medicaid Beneficiaries

🌐 Cell and Gene Therapies: New Perspectives on Access to Innovative Treatments 🌐

πŸ“œ Today, we’re sharing one of the latest publications from the New England Journal of Medicine, exploring the new access model for cell and gene therapies for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. This is a crucial topic for the future of public healthcare in the United States, with important global implications.

πŸ’‰ What you’ll find in this study:

β€’How the U.S. government is working to reduce the costs of innovative therapies.

β€’A focus on treatments for sickle cell disease (SCD) and the effectiveness of current therapies.

β€’Outcome-based payment models: paying only if the treatment proves effective.

πŸ“Š Why this matters: With treatment costs reaching $2-3 million or more, the future of universal access depends on new management and negotiation strategies.

πŸ’¬ What do you think about outcome-based payment models? Could they be adopted in other countries as well? Share your thoughts in the comments!

#InnovativeMedicine #GeneTherapies #CellTherapy #PublicHealthcare #SCD #Medicare #Medicaid #AccessToCare #HealthcareInnovation


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