TIF 2024 Congress Announced: A Must-Attend Event for the Thalassemia Community!

The European Commission has launched the Teaming for Excellence call under the cross-cutting subprogram “Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area” of Horizon Europe, aiming to reduce regional disparities in research and innovation (R&I) outcomes.

The call aims to create new centers of excellence or modernize existing ones in widening countries with low R&I performance, thereby stimulating competitiveness and innovative growth. Proposals must include a clear strategic vision on:

  • The establishment of autonomous and internationally competitive centers
  • The adoption of advanced and innovative technologies
  • The enhancement of human resources through transparent and inclusive recruitment plans

The maximum project duration is six years, and fund allocation follows a two-stage approach. Proposals selected for the second stage must include an investment plan and formal commitments for complementary funding.

The call will take place in two phases: first deadline April 10, 2025; second deadline January 20, 2026.

The total budget is €270,000,000.


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(10am - 05 pm)